• 2023 Press Release | Beijing Contemporary Art Fair — REUNION Opens Today, Gathering at the Art Arena and Spending Time of Beijing Together
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  • Art-Ba-Ba|What are the issues in Contemporary Art in China?
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  • ArtAlpha |Collectors' pick at Beijing Contemporary 2024
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  • Financial Times|In Retrospect and New Wave - Zhang Yan Talks In Conversation with Bao Dong, Art Director of Beijing Contemporary Art Fair
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  • Hi Art |At the largest scale Beijing Contemporary pry the purchasing power of the mainland?
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  • artnet|We talked to ten collectors about what they bought at 2023 Beijing Contemporary
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  • LARRY‘S LIST|Five collectors talk about the significance of the "reunion" in spring 2023
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  • WSJ|Beijing Contemporary Art Fair Opens: Is the Art Market Optimistic enough in the Eyes of Gallery Owners?
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  • Life and Arts集锦 丨 Expand Your Map of Chinese Art at Beijing Contemporary
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